Sunday, July 12, 2009

I am not recommitted to my blog

In my last post, in January, I promised myself to get back to blogging. I also publicly declared I would run a half marathon. Fortunately I did make one of those goals. I ran the Eugene Half Marathon. I did not, however, begin blogging with more consistency.

So what is the deal? Why don't I do this more often??

Well, I can theorize about my lack of blogging in several ways.

For one: I am far too crazy, insane, busy to blog regularly. But that doesn't completely hold water because I manage to hang out on Facebook a far amount.

Number two: I write for a living so perhaps it feels like work to write a blog when I come home from writing news all day. But this is a very different kind of writing, and really its not fair to compare the two. I don't think this excuse flies.

Number three: There is no feedback. I don't think anyone is reading this and without an audience who am I writing for? Well, she says to herself, you could just write for yourself. Hmm interesting point, self. Thank you self.

Perhaps it is a combination of all these things. Maybe if I took a little time to figure out posting this to Facebook and adding pictures, people would read it and I would want to write because people are reading it. It would become a self fulfilling prophecies.

Certainly no one want to read about me wining because I'm not writing. So there you have it.
I won't promise to blog more. I will or I won't. And either way I better write about something more interesting than whether I'm writing our not.

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