Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Running while juggling

I don't literally juggle while I run. But sometimes, in fact, most of the time just to get out on the trial or on the treadmill is a huge juggling act.

We are all so busy. To train for a race takes dedication.

For some reason I'm finding it harder this spring to find time to train. Maybe its the 3 kids playing soccer, the full time job, the new dog, the photography hobby, the trip to Disneyland or the gashed knee that's getting in the way.

But frankly, that is par for the course. I'm always busy. There is always something. There is always a reason not to run (or swim or bike.)

So I have to remember why I'm doing this. (Why AM I doing this?) Partly because I said I would. Partly because I love the training when I finally get going. And mostly because I love finishing a race. I loved doing my first triathlon.

I also have to give myself a break. Last time I followed my training schedule religiously. This time I've missed, or been half-hearted about some of my training, especially the time consuming biking. But that's ok. It's not all or nothing. I need to just take it one day at a time. One run at a time.

So I'm trying to be my own cheerleader. Go Jen Go. Run, run. You can do it!

Right after I fold this last load of laundry....

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